Building of ten individual apartment houses of cottage type

Basic information about ground area
The planned use of land Building of ten individual apartment houses of cottage type
Location of the project Sherbinovskiy district
Address of the location Krasnodar territory, Shcherbinovsky area, in northern part of a village Novoshcherbinovsky along the street Lermontov – World street
Cadastral number of quarter 23:36:08 03 002
Area of the declared (ì2) 11 000
Category of the earths The earths of settlements
Kind of permitted use A little floor a housing estate
Actual use Housing estate zone (Free from building)
Availability of buildings, structures, constructions -
Authorizations, urban planning documentation The project of a lay-out and building of a village Novoshcherbinovsky, confirmed by the Decision of the Krasnodar Executive committee from 11.03.1981 ¹155
Information about the proprietor (legal owner) of the ground area
Proprietor State ownership
Legal owner Municipal union administration Shcherbinovsky area
Kind of rights It is not registered
Information about burden
Kind of burden, restrictions Carrying over of electric main VL – 10kV
Area of burden 100 sq. m
The characteristic of existing engineering infrastructure
Kind of infrastructureCapacity, diameterDistance to a connection point (m)
Electrical supply Vl – 0,4kV 50
Gas supply d=80 550
Water supply d=100 650
Water drain Local treatment facilities -
Installation of telephones Multichannel cable 530
Cost of maintenance of the ground area an engineering infrastructure (Million rbl.) 3,0
Distance till large settlements and objects of transport infrastructure
Remoteness fromThe nameDistance (km)
Center of municipal union Village Staroshcherbinovsky 14
Center of the subject of federation The city of Krasnodar 238
Highways (regional, federal value) Highway of regional value Krasnodar - Yeysk 13
Highways of local value Motorway Staroshcherbinovsky - Novoshcherbinovsky 0,1
The nearest railway station Railway station a village Staroshcherbinovsky 14
Nearest tracks Village Staroshcherbinovsky 13,5
Airport The city of Yeysk 53
Seaport The city of Yeysk 51
The additional information about ground area
Special conditions The topographical and engineering-geological level of scrutiny is not present, seismicity of 6 points on MSK
Cost of rent/repayment of ground area (million rubles) Rent – 0,33 The repayment – 0,88
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