Construction of sanatorium on the basis of a deposit of dark blue clay In Mahoshevskaya rural settlement

Basic information about ground area
The planned use of land Construction of sanatorium on the basis of a deposit of dark blue clay In Mahoshevskaya rural settlement
Location of the project Mostovskoy district
Address of the location Area Mostovsky, southwest part of item Mahoshevskaya
Cadastral number of quarter 23:20:1302001
Area of the declared (ì2) 50 000
Category of the earths The Earth of settlements
Kind of permitted use Under accommodation of sanatorium
Actual use It is not used
Availability of buildings, structures, constructions No
Authorizations, urban planning documentation The scheme of territorial development of settlements Mostovskogo of area, is approved by the decision of the chapter of administration Mostovskogo of area ¹87 from 12,02.1993ã.
Information about the proprietor (legal owner) of the ground area
Proprietor State ownership
Legal owner State ownership
Kind of rights -
Information about burden
Kind of burden, restrictions No
Area of burden No
The characteristic of existing engineering infrastructure
Kind of infrastructureCapacity, diameterDistance to a connection point (m)
Electrical supply LEP – 10 kw; 100
Gas supply No
Water supply Drilling of chinks, installation of a water tower
Water drain The hydroisolated septic tank
Installation of telephones Is available
Cost of maintenance of the ground area an engineering infrastructure (Million rbl.) Water supply: 3,0 The water drain of sewage: 0,3 Electrosupply: 0,1 Gas supply: 0,025
Distance till large settlements and objects of transport infrastructure
Remoteness fromThe nameDistance (km)
Center of municipal union Item Mostovskoy 65
Center of the subject of federation The city of Krasnodar 195
Highways (regional, federal value) Federal motorway an entrance to a to Maikop, 5
The nearest railway station Item Maikop 35
Nearest tracks Item Maikop 35
Airport The city of Krasnodar 195
Seaport Of Tuapse 195
The additional information about ground area
Special conditions Relief of a site quiet. The level soil water-4,0 m – 6,0 m, visible exogenous processes (landslips, torrent, swelling capacity, the landing phenomena, water and wind erosion, flooding, watering,) on a considered site is not observed, seismicity of area of construction of 8 points, a direction of dominating winds – east, þãî - east.
Cost of rent/repayment of ground area (million rubles) 0,05/2,9