for the building of a creation of a zone of rest, including: an aqua park, cafe, hotel, a sauna, a rental agency of swimming means, athletic field

Basic information about ground area
The planned use of land for the building of a creation of a zone of rest, including: an aqua park, cafe, hotel, a sauna, a rental agency of swimming means, athletic field
Location of the project Bruyhovetskiy district
Address of the location Krasnodar region, Bryukhovetskaya district, Bryukhovetskaya village, eastern part, the district of row base.
Cadastral number of quarter 23:04:05 02 103
Area of the declared (м2) 30000
Category of the earths Land of settlements
Kind of permitted use For construction and janitorial service of rest-zones
Actual use For pastures
Availability of buildings, structures, constructions No
Authorizations, urban planning documentation According to the general plan of Bryukhovetskaya village, confirmed in 2007
Information about the proprietor (legal owner) of the ground area
Proprietor State ownership
Legal owner Under the authority of the municipal formation Bryukhovetskiy district
Kind of rights The state ownership on the land plot is not differentiated
Information about burden
Kind of burden, restrictions no
Area of burden no
The characteristic of existing engineering infrastructure
Kind of infrastructureCapacity, diameterDistance to a connection point (m)
Electrical supply Voltage line - 10 kV 500,0
Gas supply High pressure gas pipeline 550,0
Water supply Существующий водопровод, диаметром 250 мм 400
Water drain Строительство водонепроницаемого выгреба 0,0
Installation of telephones There is a connection possibility 500,0
Cost of maintenance of the ground area an engineering infrastructure (Million rbl.) 2,0
Distance till large settlements and objects of transport infrastructure
Remoteness fromThe nameDistance (km)
Center of municipal union Bryukhovetskaya village 0,0
Center of the subject of federation the city of Krasnodar 89,0
Highways (regional, federal value) Krasnodar - Yeisk 3,0
Highways of local value Bryukhovetskaya – Pereyaslovskaya 1,8
The nearest railway station "Bryukhovetskaya" 2,5
Nearest tracks - 2,5
Airport Krasnodar 100,0
Seaport Novorossisk 210,0
The additional information about ground area
Special conditions The land is flat, quiet, with a little slope to the east. Subterranean waters are not; The north- eastern and the eastern winds prevail, Seismicity area of 7 numbers.
Cost of rent/repayment of ground area (million rubles) Rent: 0,1 million RUR in a year. Cost of the repayment: 1,4 million RUR
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