Alternative bus station

Basic information about ground area
The planned use of land Alternative bus station
Location of the project Armavir Ñity
Address of the location Urupskaya St.,124
Cadastral number of quarter 23:38:01 22 001
Area of the declared (ì2) 1500
Category of the earths Grounds of settlements
Kind of permitted use Construction of the bus station
Actual use Agricultural activity
Availability of buildings, structures, constructions The site is free from building
Authorizations, urban planning documentation The land tenure and building rules confirmed by the Decision of the Armavir municipal duma «About the statement of rules of land tenure and building of municipal formation Armavir», from 22/5/2009 ¹567. - A general layout of Armavir with the project of the city line, confirmed by the decision of Armavir municipal duma ¹ 664 from 18.02.2010.
Information about the proprietor (legal owner) of the ground area
Proprietor Russian Federation
Legal owner Municipal plant of Armavir "Armavir state farm "Decorative cultures" of N.S.Plohova"
Kind of rights Rent. The rent contract ¹ 3800002795 from 21.07.2006. To 21.07.2010.
Information about burden
Kind of burden, restrictions Rent
Area of burden 1500 m2
The characteristic of existing engineering infrastructure
Kind of infrastructureCapacity, diameterDistance to a connection point (m)
Electrical supply Projecting complete transformer station – 10/0,4 kv, airway -10/0,4 kv in Zavetnij village 1500 Connection according to Open Society "Armavirenergoinvest" specifications.
Gas supply Gas-distributing station - 2 400 Connection according to Open Society "Kubangasprom" specifications.
Water supply Forced circulation system 189 m. Connection according to SVVUK «Kurganinsky group water conduit».
Water drain Sewer collector is under construction 340m. Connection according to specifications SVVUK «Kurganinsky group water conduit».
Installation of telephones - Connection according specifications of OPEN SOCIETY "UÒÊ".
Cost of maintenance of the ground area an engineering infrastructure (Million rbl.) 6,0
Distance till large settlements and objects of transport infrastructure
Remoteness fromThe nameDistance (km)
Center of municipal union The central part of Armavir 6,2
Center of the subject of federation Krasnodar 250
Highways (regional, federal value) FAD "Caucasus" 3
Highways of local value «Armavir - Otradnaya» The site is located in roadside strip.
The nearest railway station Railway station. "Armavir-1" Railway station. "Armavir-2" 7 8,2
Nearest tracks 0,16
Airport Airport Krasnodar 200
Seaport Novorossiysk 360
The additional information about ground area
Special conditions -
Cost of rent/repayment of ground area (million rubles) 0,015 / 0,3
Notes 1. The given investment project is strategically important for Armavir. In case of interest of the investor the given investment project administration of municipal formation will render assistance in removal charges. 2. The ground areas are give